Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality – List (Energy FE)


eBook, 9 Minute Guided Meditation, 40 Abundance Mantras + Graphic, 30 Day Challenge, Emails, 28 New Articles, 40 Tweets, Editable Infographics, Editable HD Video, Bonuses and more- PLR Rights




Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights


Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights


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Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Turn On Your Energy Switch – Secrets To Mental And Physical Vitality Content with PLR Rights

Bonus Video Demos

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eBook: Turn On The Energy Switch – Secrets
To Mental And Physical Vitality (40 Pages/7,951 Words)

Editable Word And Fully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers in 2 Different Designs with
12 Different 2D and 3D Styles For Each Design

2 Custom Squeeze Pages

Report: 10 Changes You Can Make To
Boost Your Energy Levels (10 Pages/2,378 Words)

Editable Word And Fully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers with 12 Different 2D and 3D designs
2 Copyright Free Images
Custom Squeeze Page

7 Day Newsletter/Email Series – Your Energy Levels Matters – 1,491 Words

27 Articles
7 Negative Habits That Are Just Too Mentally Draining – 1,640 Words
7 Tips To Declutter Your Mind And Increase Its Energy – 666 Words
7 Ways Procrastination Is Draining Your Mental Energy – 925 Words
7 Ways To Effectively Deal With Frustration – 628 Words
10 Negative Consequences Of Low Mental Energy – 1,217 Words
10 Negative Consequences Of Low Physical Energy – 1,108 Words
10 Signs Of Burnout – 640 Words
10 Signs of Mental Exhaustion – 649 Words
10 Signs Of Physical Exhaustion – 697 Words
10 Signs You Really Need To Take A Break – 848 Words
10 Things That Drain Your Mental Energy – 959 Words
10 Things That Drain Your Physical Energy – 1,022 Words
10 Things You Can Do More Of And Better When You Boost Your Mental Energy – 627 Words
10 Things You Can Do More Of And Better When You Boost Your Physical Energy – 591 Words
10 Tips to Boost Your Mental Energy – 1,032 Words
10 Tips to Boost Your Physical Energy – 852 Words
10 Ways Boosting Your Mental Energy Improves Your Life – 660 Words
10 Ways Boosting Your Physical Energy Improves Your Life – 647 Words
Balance Your To-Do Lists with Your Energy Levels – Stop Getting Burned Out – 625 Words
Boost Your Mental Energy – 5 Ways To Work Smarter – 710 Words
Boost Your Mental Energy – Take Micro Breaks – 804 Words
Common Burdens on The Mind and What You Can Do to Fix Them – 890 Words
Creating More Physical Energy – 705 Words
How and Why Living in the Past is Mentally Draining – 645 Words
How Living In And For The Moment Can Improve Mental Energy – 633 Words
How Stress Affects Your Mental And Physical Energy Levels – 623 Words
What is Mental Energy – 696 Words

20 Editable Checklists + 20 Editable Graphics
10 Signs Of Burnout
10 Tips To Boost Your Physical Energy
10 Tips To Boost Your Mental Energy
10 Ways Boosting Your Physical Energy Improves Your Life
10 Ways Boosting Your Mental Energy Improves Your Life
Your Mental Energy
Your Physical Energy
7 Ways Procrastination Is Draining Your Mental Energy
7 Tips To Declutter Your Mind And Increase Its Energy
10 Things That Drain Your Mental Energy
10 Things That Drain Your Physical Energy
10 Changes You Can Make To Boost Your Energy Levels
7 Negative Habits That Are Just Too Mentally Draining
10 Signs Of Mental Exhaustion
10 Signs Of Physical Exhaustion
10 Negative Consequences Low Mental Energy
10 Negative Consequences Of Low Physical Energy
10 Signs You Really Need To Take A Break
7 Ways To Effectively Deal With Frustration
Boost Your Mental Energy – 5 Ways To Work Smarter
Word and Web Ready PDF
Graphics In Editable Powerpoint, High Def Web Ready JPG and PDF

All Checklist Graphics PDF
Editable Powerpoint and PDF

40 Tips/Tweets/Social Media Updates – Your Optimal Energy Levels – 900 Words

BONUSES – 3 PLR Packs From My Store – Value Of $99

Report: 22 Ways Journaling Prevents Mental
And Emotional Burnout (15 Pages/3,116 Words)

Editable Word And Fully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers with 9 Different 2D and 3D designs
11 Copyright Free Images
Custom Squeeze Page

Report: 50 Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels (12 Pages/4,679 Words)
Editable Word And Fully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers with 9 Different 2D and 3D designs
Image from Cover
Custom Squeeze Page

Report: The Centered Mind: Cultivate Balance And Find Your Center
To Attain Coordination Between Each Facet Of Your Being (13 Pages/3,712 Words)

Editable Word And Beautifully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers with 6 Different 2D and 3D Designs
Custom Squeeze Page

Report: Let Go Of Worry: 20 Hands On Tips (12 Pages/3,595 Words)
Editable Word And Beautifully Formatted PDF
Editable eCovers with 6 Different 2D and 3D Designs
Custom Squeeze Page

7 Day Email Series: Are You Burned Out? – 1537 Words

4 Editable Checklists
50 Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels
10 Ways To Prevent Physical And Mental Burnout
10 Ways To Heal Physical And Mental Burnout
The 12 Stages Of Burnout
Word and Web Ready PDF

4 Editable Checklist Graphics
50 Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels
10 Ways To Prevent Physical And Mental Burnout
The 12 Stages Of Burnout
10 Ways To Heal Physical And Mental Burnout
Graphic In Editable Powerpoint, High Def Web Ready PNG and PDF

20 Articles
Attention! Where Have You Been – 714 Words
Boost Balance In Your Mind And Body – Use The Force – 725 Words
Boost Your Energy – Let The Sun Shine – 667 Words
Cultivate Balance – Lighten Up! – 681 Words
Get in Touch With Your Inner Vagabond – Return To Mental Equilibrium – 708 Words
How To Be Full of Mind – 617 Words
Let Life’s Rhythm Move You – Build Greater Resilience In Your Body And Mind – 564 Words
Set The Perfect Day – Wake Up With A Smile – 681 Words
The Way Back To Your Center Is Literal Get In Touch With The Earth – 708 Words
Your Mental Health – Move It Or Lose It! – 639 Words
5 Signs You Worry Too Much 626 Words
Does Worry Keep You Up at Night 811 Words
Faith Is The Opposite Of Worry 620 Words
How To Stop Worrying About Things You Cannot Control 607 Words
Journaling-A Solution To Ease Worrying 619 Words
Mind-Body Practices to Ease Worrying 711 Words
Stop Worrying Challenging Anxious Thoughts 738 Words
The Effects of Worry on Your Mind and Body 705 Words
The Worried Mindset Pitfalls and Solutions 701 Words
Why Worrying About Most Things is a Useless Waste of Energy 676 Words

2 Editable Infographics
10 Ways To Find Your Center When Life Feels Overwhelming
Brain Fog Facts
Easily Editable Powerpoint, PDF and High Def PNG

3 Editable HD Videos
5 Signs You Are Burned Out
Easily Editable Powerpoint
Voiceover Provided Separately
Voiceover Script – 278 Words
2 DVD Cover Graphics

5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Energy
Easily Editable Powerpoint
Voiceover Provided Separately
Voiceover Script – 279 Words
2 DVD Cover Graphics

Secrets To High Energy Living
Easily Editable Powerpoint
Voiceover Provided Separately
Voiceover Script – 147 Words
Editable eCover with 4 2D and 3D Designs

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