7 Top Video Promotion Sites | How to Create Video Content to Really Engage Your Audience

Video content is one of the most important and effective ways to engage your audience. Using videos to promote your brand gives your audience content that is very easy to digest. Videos you can for marketing purposes include tutorials and educational series within your niche, animations, interviews, live video, video blogs, and product reviews.

Why use video content

  • The fact that consumers are consuming more and more video content every year is reason enough to use videos to market your brand.For example, one report said that in 2017, online video traffic was around 75% of internet use.
  • However, by 2022 this figure will jump to a staggering 82%.
  • Another reason to create more and more video content is that every year for the past few years, mobile video consumption has increased by 100% annually.
  • Mobile is also the preferred medium on social media platforms to share.

On video promotion sites you can post the videos included in my PLR packages and any that you create yourself using the content in the PLR bundles.

Millions of people visit these sites everyday to learn, be entertained and to view content. These are the perfect places to grow your audience base and solidify your brand.

Be sure to link back to your sites and blogs where you have an opt-in in place with a great incentive like one of the reports or eBooks from my PLR packs to grow your email list.

Use these sites to:

Best Practices When Using Videos

  • Post useful videos that will add value to the audience in your niche
  • Add a link back to your site or blog
  • Brand your channel well, so any visitors know whose channel they are visiting
  • Create a strong call to action – Meaning what do you want your audience to do once they watch the video?

7 Top Video Promotion Sites

YouTube – https://youtube.com

Dailymotion – http://www.dailymotion.com/us

Metacafe –

MySpace – https://myspace.com/

Vimeo – https://vimeo.com/

The Open Video Project – https://open-video.org/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com

How to Create Video Content to Really Engage Your Audience

How can you use videos to connect with consumers and strengthen relationships with your audience? In this article, you will learn 5 different ways to leverage your video content to build an effective marketing strategy.

How to create videos to engage your audience

Let’s look at 5 ways to create videos that will help you be successful in marketing your brand.

1. Videos and SEO

First, it is important to remember that SEO is not just for blogs, articles, and written content. You need well-written content so that consumers can find your videos. In most cases, Google returns video results in the search engine results pages (SERPs), with videos sometimes being in the top spot.

Before posting videos on YouTube or social media, think about your keyword planning to create informative titles. You will also need to incorporate long-tail keywords in your descriptions and use keyword variations in tags.

2. Make the purpose of your video clear

It is also important to write content for your video explaining briefly reasons why someone should watch your video.
The easiest way to encourage people to click on your video link is to write a short description. This not only helps with SEO but is a good way to engage your audience with video marketing.

Another way to encourage users to click on the video is to use a catchy thumbnail image that shows some benefit of watching the video.

3. Optimize your videos to increase conversion rate

Using video content will help to generate more traffic to your site and it is important to capture more leads through your videos.
One way to do this is to have a clear call-to-action on your video. The end of your video should include a link where someone can be directed to your website, receive email, or share the video.

Another way to increase your conversion rate through videos is to offer incentives to your audience. For example, you could encourage users to leave their email address in exchange for exclusive content.

4. Create short, entertaining videos

There is no magic length when it comes to creating videos; however, shorter videos seem to work the best in engaging consumers.
The content needs to be entertaining enough so that the consumer watches until the end. Depending on your type of brand or customer base, short 1-minute videos may work best. Or, you may find that videos lasting a few minutes are better.

5. Choose the right channel

There is a multitude of ways to distribute video marketing content to reach a wider audience.

The obvious place to upload your videos is to YouTube and Vimeo. Remember that YouTube is owned by Google and is now the second largest online search engine. Once you have published your video content on YouTube, you can then embed a link on your website or upload the video to your blog.

Other ways to engage with a wider audience using video material is to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. This will help give your brand the widest possible exposure and boost your marketing strategies.

4 Responses

  1. […] 7 Top Video Promotion Sites | How to Create Video Content to Really Engage Your Audience  […]

  2. Denise
    | Reply

    Great article about using videos. I recently started a YouTube channel in the health/wellness niche ( I have a blog in the same niche).

  3. Michael
    | Reply

    Thanks for the awesome information you have created here.
    I have found this useful as I am about to start creating live videos and this information is just what I am looking for.

    • JR Lang
      | Reply

      Thank you Michael!

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